Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring Check!

Happy Spring Northern Hemisphere! Finally a break from the rain to check up on how well the hives are doing. Here is a picture of my new helper, her first time with the bees. She is a natural!  

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Rain Rain in East Texas!

Okay, rain is great but I need time to work outside before more bees arrive!

Ready to build once the weather improves! Pictured are the makings of five Langstroth hives
and I also plan to cut lumber to build 4 Top-bar hives and will gladly share pictures of those as well.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Bee Hive Data Visualization Test

Bee Hive Dashboard
This chart represents test data collected with a data logger(Beaglebone Black) that will soon be collecting real data from one of my hives. Since I live about 120 miles away from my bee hives, I decided to create a data logger that will upload all the data online for me to visualize in real-time. I will share more information about my project once I complete the finishing details. Original chart can be found at